Then we consummate our anti-dumping law to instruct the anti-dumping practice with a right theory and make a full use of it as a double-edged sword of international trade. 痛定思痛,我们有必要对各国反倾销法律制度进行深入剖析,完善我国现行反倾销立法,以期以正确的理论更好的去指导实践,充分利用好反倾销这把国际贸易的双刃剑。
Study on Anti-circumvention under Anti-dumping Law and Anti-subsidy Law 反倾销与反补贴中的反规避问题研究
The Impact of Indian Legal Framework for Anti-dumping Law and Practices on China 印度反倾销法律框架与实践及对中国的影响
Study on the Determination Normal Value of Anti-dumping Law 反倾销立法中的正常价值确定问题研究
The thesis which starts with the Anti-Dumping Law of the European Union together with its practice upon our country gives a detailed and keen analysis to the causes of the practice. 本文从欧盟反倾销法的实体法和程序法基本制度入手,结合近年来欧盟对我国的反倾销实践,对其产生的原因进行了分析。
The Anti-competitiveness of the Anti-dumping Law and Its Coordination with the Competitive Law 反倾销法的反竞争性及其与竞争法的协调
Studies on the Rule of "Price Fair Comparison" in Anti-dumping Law; 反补贴与反倾销相似,同样存在价格比较及其基准的确定问题。
Amid intense lobbying from both sides, Baroness Ashton has insisted that her final decision will be guided by anti-dumping law and the evidence at hand. 面对两方面的强大游说,阿什顿坚称,她的最终决定将以反倾销法律和手头证据为依据。
Natural relationship exists between anti-dumping law and competition law. 反倾销法与竞争法存在一些天然的联系。
The fifth part discusses our counter measures to EU Anti-dumping law. 第五部分是探讨中国对欧盟反倾销法的对策问题。
Dumping and Injury in "Anti-dumping Law of China" 我国反倾销立法中有关倾销与损害的法律问题研究
The birth and development process of anti-dumping law has manifested the importance to protect national interest and benefit moderately. 反倾销法产生与发展的过程鲜明的昭示了一国在对外贸易中适度保护本国利益的重要性。
The third part researches the irrationality of the EU Anti-dumping law; 第三部分是对欧盟反倾销法的不合理性研究;
The Relevant Countermeasures on Improving the Public Interest And Anti-circumvention Provisions in Chinese Anti-dumping Law 完善我国反倾销法中公共利益条款和反规避条款的对策建议
This thesis is a theoretical article Studying European and American Anti-dumping law. 本文是一篇研究欧美反倾销法的理论性论文,全文分为五个部分。
Normal value is a very important notion in anti-dumping law. 正常价值是反倾销法中一个十分重要的概念。
Comparison of Anti-circumvention Legislation between America and EU and the Perfection of China's Anti-dumping Law 欧盟与美国反规避立法的比较与我国反倾销法的完善
The first part of the thesis reviews the causes of EU Anti-dumping law and its influence to the Chinese exporting trade. 论文第一部分对欧盟反倾销法对中国出口贸易的影响和原因进行了考察。
Furthermore, anti-dumping law have many limitations, such as non-objectiveness of determining dumping, negligence of consumers'interest. 而且,从反倾销法的具体规定看,具有倾销认定的非客观性和忽视消费者利益等局限性。
In light of its legal origin, anti-dumping law consists of internal anti-dumping law and international anti-dumping law. 从法的渊源来看,反倾销法包括反倾销国内法和反倾销国际法。
Study of EU Anti-dumping Law and the Impact to Our Country 欧盟反倾销法及对我国影响研究
So many scholars advocate abolition of anti-dumping law. 因此,国际上一些学者主张废除反倾销法。
Public Interests Principle and The Reference of Our Country in The International Anti-dumping Law 国际反倾销法中的公共利益原则及其对我国的借鉴意义
Then through the analysis of dumping types, anti-dumping consequences and comparison with anti-subsidy law, anti-competition law, safeguard measures, draw a conclusion that anti-dumping law should exist. 首先对倾销与反倾销的概念作了介绍,接着通过分析倾销种类、反倾销的后果及对反倾销法与反补贴法、反竞争法、保障措施的比较得出反倾销法应该存在的结论。
China has also promulgated "anti-dumping law", providing authority version for the translation practice. 我国也已经出台《反倾销法》,为翻译提供了权威版本。
It analyzes the shortcoming of our anti-dumping law, and points out the suggestions to improve it. 结合我国反倾销法律,分析了我国反倾销的法律与规则的不足,提出完善我国反倾销法律的建议。
Some countries then legislate the Anti-dumping Law under their own way which aims at the dumping action. 一些国家便开始以国内立法的方式制定针对倾销行为的反倾销法。
Such acts to circumvent the WTO anti-dumping law and the purpose can not be realized. 诸如此类的规避行为使各国及WTO反倾销法的目的无法实现。
Third introducing the present situation and the inadequate status of the anti-dumping law of our country. 然后介绍了我国反倾销法的现状及存在的不足。
Anti-dumping legislation is divided into international and domestic anti-dumping law, the most important contents of anti-dumping legal system is conditions of the anti-dumping, antidumping measures and antidumping procedures. 反倾销法分为国内立法和国际立法,反倾销法律制度中最重要的内容是反倾销的条件、措施和程序规范。